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Reggio Emilia Inspired Pre-school
CALL US: 1-276-676-3151
Miss Amy's LLC
Miss Amy's LLC participates in statewide programs that may assist eligible families with childcare tuition. Providing household information does not guarantee eligibility or enrollment in these programs. Information will be kept confidential and will help Miss Amy's LLC determine what programs your family might be eligible for.
Weekly Tuition
Full-Time - Twenty-two months thru age three
5 Days a week
Regular School Hours (8:00 am - 4:00 pm) - $160.00 per child
Full-Time - Three and a Half thru age Five
5 Days a week
Regular School Hours (8:00 am - 4:00 pm) - $153.00
per child
Extended Care - Twenty-two months thru age five
Before Care (7 am - 8 am) - $10.00 per child in addition to tuition
After Care (8 am - 6 pm) - $25.00 per child in addition to tuition
Before & After Care (7 am - 6 pm) - $35.00 per child in addition to tuition
Please note: Our half-day program has been discontinued until further notice.

Activity & Additional Fees
Fall Registration (Aug-May) - $50 per family annually
Summer Registration (June & July) - $35 per family annually
Music Together - $42.00 per family, calculated into your weekly payment.
Transit Bus - $1.00 per child, only on days where a field trip is planned that is not within walking distance
Replacement lunch items - $1.00 each to be paid the day provided
Replacement entire lunch - $5.00 to be paid the day provided
Early drop off - $15 per occurrence, i.e. bringing your child before your child's scheduled class time
Late pick up - $15 per occurrence, i.e. picking your child up after your child's scheduled class time
Late pick-up (after 6 pm) - $25.00 to be paid upon arrival to pick your child up that day
Summer Activity Fee (June & July) - TBA - This depends on the summer schedule of events and it is different per classroom because not all classes do the same things
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